The purpose of this project is to develop an online banking system – web based application to conduct banking operation online. The system will provide the banks facilities to its customers, including balance enquiry, opening and closing accounts, performing transactions.
The application will be built using Java Server Pages (JSP), GlassFIsh as the application server, and MySQL as a database. It will be based on 3-tiered model. A client computer uses a browser to access information from two or more servers (web servers, application servers, database servers) i.e. a web server handles a web request, an application server handles the dynamic request and a database server stores the data.
- Security:
User cannot access a system without knowing the password. Only after entering the correct username and password on the login page, user can perform operations. - Referential Integrity
- Easy Retrieval of Data: by sql commands
- Generating automatic values: e.g. account balance
The basic functionalities of the system are:
- Home – Home page of Online Banking Site.
- New Account – Creation of new account.
- Balance – View balance of account.
- Lodgement – Lodge money into selected account.
- Withdraw – Withdraw amount from selected account.
- Transfer – Transfer amount from one account to other account.
- Close A/c – Close account.
Problem Domain
Online Banking is a mainstream service offered by most banks today. A typical consumer online banking application requires the following:
- A Customer
Customers are individuals with a name, correspondence address, email address and security credentials. A customer can hold one or more accounts. - An Account
An account has a sort code (identifying the branch), an account number and a current balance. The account has a list of transactions. - A Transaction
Each transaction is either a debit or credit on a particular date, with a description and a post-transaction balance.
Customers will be able to do the following:
- Lodgement
For the lodgement, a bank customer can specify the amount to lodge with the card that will be debited. - Transfer
For the transfer, the bank customer can specify the amount to transfer and an account to transfer to. - Withdrawal
For a withdrawal, the bank customer can specify the amount to withdraw and the card that will be credited. - Balance
The customer can request a balance on any account at any time.
Software Specification
- Client on Internet
Web browser(any) - Client on Intranet
Client software, Web Browser - Web Server
GlassFish 4.0 - Database Server
MySQL - Development End
Net beans (J2EE, Java, Servlets, JSP), Sequel Pro (DB tool)
Entity-Relationship diagram
Database Tables
customer |
Field |
Type |
Length |
Key |
customer_id |
11 |
username |
45 |
password |
45 |
first |
45 |
address |
45 |
45 |
surname |
45 |
account |
Field |
Type |
Length |
Key |
account_id |
11 |
balance |
sort_code |
11 |
map_account_customer |
Field |
Type |
Length |
Key |
map_id |
11 |
account_id |
11 |
customer_id |
11 |
transaction |
Field |
Type |
Length |
Key |
transaction_id |
11 |
customer_id |
11 |
customer_id_by |
11 |
account_id |
11 |
account_id_to |
11 |
transaction_amount |
post_transaction_balance |
transaction_date |
transaction_type |
45 |
transaction_description |
45 |
One of the main concerns of e-banking is security.
- Add a security mechanism – Username Authentication with Symmetric Key
- Import the certificates into the GlassFish application server and set up a default user for this application.
- Configure the client that references the secured Web service.
- Test the secure Web service.
- All REST API calls must take place over HTTPS with a certificate signed by a trusted CA. All clients must validate the certificate before interacting with the server.
- All REST API calls should occur through dedicated API keys consisting of an identifying component and a shared, private secret. Systems must allow a given customer to have multiple active API keys and de-activate individual keys easily.
- All REST queries must be authenticated by signing the query parameters sorted in lower-case, alphabetical order using the private credential as the signing token. Signing should occur before URL encoding the query string.
Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram will show developers how one API can be used after another
The API describes all the entry points for the above problem domain.
1 New Customer
- API Name: New Customer
- Description: Creation of new customer.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.customer
- Http verb: POST (the username will be chosen by the user, not the system)
- Parameters: customerId, username, email, password
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: Customer id, username and email must be unique
- Post-Conditions: A new Customer resource has been created
2 View Customer
- API Name: New Customer
- Description: Creation of new customer.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.customer/{id}
- Http verb: GET
- Parameters: username
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: The Customer resource (identified by username) must exist
- Post-Conditions: None
3 Update Customer
- API Name: New Customer
- Description: Creation of new customer.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.customer/{id}
- Http verb: PUT
- Parameters: username
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: The Customer resource (identified by username) must exist
- Post-Conditions: The Customer resource was updated.
4 Delete Customer
- API Name: Delete Customer
- Description: Delete Customer
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.customer/{id}
- Http verb: DELETE
- Parameters: username
- Resource Contents: image/*
- Pre-Conditions: The Customer resource (identified by username) must exist
- Post-Conditions: The Customer resource (identified by username) is removed.
5 New Account
- API Name: New Account
- Description: Creation of new account
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.account
- Http verb: PUT
- Parameters: accountId
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: A customer has to exist.
- Post-Conditions: A new Account resource has been created
6 Close A/c
- API Name: Close A/c
- Description: Close account.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.account / {id}
- Http verb: DELETE
- Parameters: accountId
- Resource Contents: image/*
- Pre-Conditions: The Account resource (identified by accountId) must exist
- Post-Conditions: None
7 Money Lodgement
- API Name: Money Lodgement
- Description: Lodge amount into selected account.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.transaction
- Http verb: PUT
- Parameters: accountID, amount, date
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: Transaction id has to be unique.
- Post-Conditions: A new Transaction resource has been created.
8 Withdraw
- API Name: Withdraw
- Description: Withdraw amount from selected account.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.transaction
- Http verb: PUT
- Parameters: accountID, amount, date
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: Transaction id has to be unique.
- Post-Conditions: A new Transaction resource has been created.
9 Transfer
- API Name: Transfer
- Description: Transfer amount from one account to other account.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.transaction
- Http verb: POST
- Parameters: accountIdBy, accountIdTo, amount, date
- Resource Contents: application/xml
- Pre-Conditions: Transaction id has to be unique.
- Post-Conditions: A new Transaction resource has been created.
10 Balance
- API Name: Balance
- Description: View balance of account.
- URL: http://localhost:8080/Aga_OnlineBank/webresources/server.account / {id}
- Http verb: GET
- Parameters: accountId
- Resource Contents: application/json
- Pre-Conditions: The Account resource (identified by accountId) must exist
- Post-Conditions: None
JDBC was used to map JPA entity classes to tables and views within a MySQL database.
Next, RESTful web services, EJB classes, which communicate with MySQL through the entities were build.
JPA entities were separated into a Java Class Library. The class library was referenced by the RESTful web services. The RESTful web services, part of Java Web Application, were deployed to GlassFish, where they were accessed with HTTP methods and tested.
Term |
Description |
Application Programming Interface |
Java Database Connectivity |
Secure Socket Layer |
Open Database Connectivity |
Java Server Pages |
Java Persistence API |
Adds a resource on the server. The resource is contained in the body of the POST request. PUT is analogous to an SQL insert statement. |
Retrieves a resource from the server. The resource is specified with a URL and may include a ? to delineate the request from the request parameters. GET is analogous to an SQL select statement. |
Updates a resource on the server. The resource is contained in the body of the POST request. POST is analogous to an SQL update statement. |
Deletes a resource on the server. The resource is specified in the URL only. DELETE is analogous to an SQL delete command. |
- Lecture Notes, Jonathan McCarthy
- Principles for Standardized REST Authentication - RESTful Web Services Cookbook – Solutions, Allamaraju Subbu