Get Motivated for Sport with Race Heroes App
UX Design + UI Design + Development
Android, SQLite database, GPS, Google+ SDK, Facebook SDK
An interactive game to motivate you for sports and bring out your inner hero.
UX Design + UI Design + Development
Android, SQLite database, GPS, Google+ SDK, Facebook SDK
An interactive game to motivate you for sports and bring out your inner hero.
Java Server Pages (JSP), GlassFIsh as the application server, and MySQL database
The purpose of this project is to develop an online banking system – web based application to conduct banking operation online. The system will provide the banks facilities to its customers, including balance enquiry, opening and closing accounts, performing transactions.
Java, IntelliJ IDEA
The aim of the project is to create a stand-alone Java based implementation of the classic game HANGMAN.
Technlogies: Java, Netbeans
• Calculate Area of a Rectangle
• Verify Size of an Area of a Rectangle
• Program Printing Out Numbers
• Program Printing Out the Prime Numbers
• Program That Reads in 10 Numbers
• Program Calculating Area of a Rectangle
• Program Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit
• Program Calculating Area of a Circle